The Tall Factor – Humphrey ‘Tall’ Khayange

By Hesmatt Ongera (@hesmatt)
The guy needs no introduction, yes that tall guy in the Kenya 7s team. I coined the ‘tall factor’ knowing what his presence does in the team and to the opponents. It was exciting watching the opponents confidence shake a bit cause we have the ‘tall factor’ in the pitch. London 7s 2013
Tall in action at the London Marriot 7s

Mr forever captain embodies all that a coach would want in the team and though his time at the helm passed  and he got replaced by deserving players. He still remains the most remarkable Kenya 7s captain that will take time to replace.The brand height, long strides and scoring when it matters cuts an indomitable captain.

With several accolades and wins, Khayange has the best shot to cup his 7s career in the upcoming world cup. Famous footballer Diego Maradona once quipped, “A player’s value and worth is known in world cup when representing country.”
Current captain Andrew Amonde is taking the footsteps quite well and we will acknowledge and support his leadership. Overall 5th place in the circuit  is already a big boot in the right direction for ‘Opede’ as he is fondly known.

Watching the London 7s over the weekend somehow awakened the memories of previous seasons when Kenya 7s started taking a competitive edge. One tall man among others was at the center of this development that has since placed Kenya  among the best in 7s rugby, here by called the ‘tall factor’.

Beating world stoppers and better teams, Khayange was always reliable and a great leader in the changing room. Best in the field, off the field, management and all circles of rugby it was always a pleasure watching tall take the big strides.

London 7s brought back the feel of the mighty tall.With the new team and great strength and talent, his experience coupled by the few senior players will indeed matter in the world cup. He takes matters to his own hands and leads by example.

Playing by his side you will be inspired and motivated to give your best. Not that he will not get mad when one does wrong  moves, but the spirit to fight and inspire the team forward is a comfort every coach, team mate and fan longs for in the tall factor.

In the Kenya 7s hall of fame Khayange collectively represents the modern game and we hope this world cup he will take the team higher and further. Brothers and several young players look up to the ‘tall factor’  as a role model in rugby. Far and wide the tall factor has represented Kenyan rugby  so well and we hope more factors are on the rise.

Notable indeed is the Ambaka factor, Ouma factor and more exciting talents in Kenya 7s.

He currently plays for Bristol University where he is pursuing his Masters and once in a while plays for the national team and his black man’s cub Mwamba RFC.

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A rugby fan having fun!

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