For the final Kenya cup edition of head to head, I decided to turn it up all the way up. So I threw a challenge to you all on social media, here are the guys that took up the challenge.

@SirAlexas on Twitter reckons KCB will lift the Kenya cup, with a +10 win over Kabras.
@ser_jeon also on Twitter, decided to predict an exact score, KCB 17 Kabras 10.
@_EdgarDavids hands the title to Kabras, with the final score, Kabras 15 KCB 10.
Collins Omongo Mango on Facebook goes all out and predicts all the games on the card this Saturday. Thika to win the Nationwide with a +10 result over Bungoma Sharks, he backs KCB Cubs for 20+ win over Impala in the ESS final. Nakuru will finish in third place according to Collins, witha 15+ win over the Leos. He reckons Kabars will claim a +5 win over KCB in what he terms as a shocker!
Amollo Ong’ombe sticks to the main event, and predicts a Kabras +5 win over KCB.
Onicartervieve Wa Njoshes hands the Kenya cup to KCB with a +20 win over Kabras.
Brian Msalame also reckons KCB will win with a 20 point margin or more.
Kevince King‘s crystal ball says Kabras will claim a +3 win over KCB.
Clinton Khaluji says KCB will claim a 25+ margin over Kabras.
Joe Kjoe Nzau goes the score prediction way and sees a 24-20 win for KCB.
Mose Muiruri goes full circle and predicts the four matches on the day. Mose reckons Thika will win the Nation wide with a +10 margin of the Sharks. The Cubs will pick up the ESS with a +20 Margin with Nakuru finishing in third place, courtesy of a +5 win over Strath. Game kubwa, KCB +10 over Kabras.
Brayan O’brien Steven also joins the full circle band wagon, but only mentions the winners, with whe score only reserved for the Kenya Cup final. Nationwide – Thika Rfc, ESS – KCB II, Nakuru for 3rd place. For the final, the bankers will claim a 25-10 win over Kabras.
Nox Ougo – Strath +10 over Nakuru, Kabras +7 over KCB.
Not sure what John Thomas Nyakundi is on, but he reckons that the final will end in a draw, so bwana Nyakundi who will win?
Sikika Kanya – Thika 20-0 Bungoma Sharks. KCB 24-5 Kabras.
Abashwili Nderu crowns KCB as the Kenya cup, with the bankers scoring 4 tries to Kabras’ 2.
Brian Otieno Buru gives Kabras a narrow one point win at 21-20.
Joanne Mumaraki – ESS KCB win +20, Nationwide Thika win +15, 3rd place Nakuru win +5, and finally the bankers add another one to their cabinet +5.
So here I go, wont touch the Nationwide as I have barely watched any games this season. So we’ll start with the ESS :
ESS – Cubs +5 Over Impala II.
3rd Place – Nakuru +10 over Strathmore.
Final – Kabras +3 over KCB.
I see a very closely fought out affair in the final, and if their performances in the semi finals are anything to go by, expect last minute drama here.
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